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World Bank Group:
Don't finance animal suffering

An investigation by the NGO Sinergia Animal uncovered a shocking reality and immense animal suffering at the farms that supply Alvoar Lacteos, one of Brazil’s largest dairy producers. On May 10th, the World Bank Group will decide on whether to award the organization a 32 million USD loan to expand their operations– a loan that, by the way, is done with taxpayers’ money from around the world, like yours.

Our money should not fund this horror! 

Check out the investigation video:

Take action

Animals in factory farms cannot wait any longer. Share the video of the investigation and write to the World Bank Group to urge them not to finance Alvoar Lacteos on social media. Please take action now:

Message the Brazilian World Bank Director

Erivaldo Gomes

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World Bank Group: 

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This is unacceptable and should not be financed!

With your support, we can get the message to the directors of the World Bank Group to stop finance for operations that harm animals. 

What we found

Killing of animals outside legal slaughterhouses.jpg
Killing of animals outside legal slaughterhouses

Alvoar’s suppliers admitted they give newborn calves to people who kill them outside of legal slaughterhouses, which can constitute crimes of public health and animal cruelty.

Calves are not properly stunned and could be conscious during slaughter.jpg
Calves are not properly stunned and could be conscious during slaughter

According to animal welfare experts, the calf slaughtered in this video was not properly restrained and the stun gun was not placed in the correct spot on its head. That could mean that he was conscious and feeling pain while being hung and killed.

Lack of humane procedures with down cows

Alvoar’s suppliers revealed that they don’t euthanize injured cows who can no longer walk. Instead, they make them wait in pain to be lifted by a tractor and taken to a slaughterhouse.

Dehorning with caustic paste that can cause deep burns and other injuries

These young and sensitive animals can get deep burns from a caustic paste used to prevent their horns from growing.

The use of the paste can cause wounds, stress, and pain.

Premature slaughter of animals.jpg
Premature slaughter of animals

At Alvoar's suppliers, calves are separated from their mothers soon after birth, are starved for up to 18 hours and sent to slaughter within only hours or days of life. 


The use of individual calf pens that seem to be narrower than EU standards_edited.jpg
The use of individual calf pens that seem to be narrower than EU standards

Female calves are caged for up to two months. They cannot even walk or play with others.

Some cages are so small that animals can barely move and struggle to turn around. Even farmers admit these cages are bad and can cause injuries.

Our investigation found 8 violations of IFC's animal welfare good practices.

What we caught farmers saying

“There are no legalized slaughterhouses here in this area. There is a guy that comes to the farms and collects the males in the region.”
“So, it must be home slaughter?”
Farmer: "Yes..."

Resources for the press

NGOs pressure World Bank to quit loan to brazilian dairy producer linked to animal cruelty

ONGs pressionam Banco Mundial a não investir em produtor de lácteos brasileiro ligado a caso de crueldade animal

High resolution

pictures and videos

Contact for the press

A campaign by

Hazle saber a Walmart y todas sus marcas en Chile que esto es inaceptable.

Remember: the best way to protect these animals is not to consume dairy products and opt for plant-based milk, yogurt, and cheese.


Sign up to receive updates from our campaign here

Remember: the best way to protect these animals is not to consume dairy products

and opt for plant-based milk, yogurt, and cheese.

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