Tell The World Bank To Stop Funding Factory Farms
One industry links three of the greatest crises that humanity faces: climate breakdown, biodiversity loss and new pandemics. That industry is factory farming.
Yet major development banks, such as the World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, are lending billions to build new factory farms.
Tell the World Bank to stop funding this cruel and dangerous industry. Add your name to the petition:
Commitments from development banks, including the World Bank, to stop funding factory farming.
The commitment to redirect investment to sustainable agricultural practices like agroecology, indigenous agricultural systems, agroforestry, organic farming, plant-based food systems, silvopastoral systems, and low-intensive permanent grassland.

One industry links two of the greatest crises that humanity faces: climate breakdown and new pandemics. That industry is industrial animal agriculture, responsible for runaway deforestation, 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions, the degradation of natural environments, and animal cruelty. This damage makes new viruses like COVID-19 more likely to emerge.
Nonetheless, every year, financial institutions such as banks and investors invest trillions of dollars in a myriad of businesses. Factory farms are among those businesses and are not only considered one of the most unsustainable industries we have in the world, but are also responsible for some of the cruelest practices against animals, such as keeping them in cages for their whole lives and mutilating them without any type of anesthesia.
They must stop their cash flow to these shady businesses!
WHY #StopFinancingFactoryFarming?

New pandemics
In industrial livestock operations, animals are kept in overcrowded and stressful conditions, which creates environments that are favorable to the emergence and/or spread of zoonotic disease. A recent UNEP report recognizes that these operations are major drivers of zoonotic disease emergence.
Deforestation and biodiversity loss
The livestock sector is by far the largest driver of deforestation in South America, where natural ecosystems are being destroyed at a rapid pace to be turned into pastures for an ever-expanding cattle herd, or transformed into large crop fields to feed farmed animals. Food systems and especially large-scale meat and feed production are also major drivers of biodiversity loss and underlie the increased fragility of numerous ecosystems worldwide.
Climate crisis
The livestock sector is responsible for 14.5% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions globally. If nothing changes, experts project it will account for almost half of the world’s allowable budget for greenhouse gas emissions, for a 1,5°C temperature increase scenario, by 2030 and 80% by 2050.
Social equity and farming livelihood
Small-scale farmers, including indigenous and traditional communities, suffer from competition with the industrial livestock sector over land. They are often pushed aside by the sector, which can result in serious land conflicts. Small-scale farmers also face fierce competition from the industrial livestock sector, which can produce at cheaper prices because it does not pay for the costs of its social and environmental impact.
Food security
The production of meat, fish from aquaculture, eggs, and dairy, requires around 83% of the world’s farmland, despite providing only 37% of our protein and 18% of our calories. If the grain used as animal feed was instead used for direct human consumption an extra four billion people could be fed.
Antibiotic resistance
The industrial livestock sector routinely uses large amounts of antibiotics to promote growth and prevent diseases that inevitably occur when animals are kept in poor conditions. In some countries, up to 80% of the total consumption of medically important antibiotics happens in the livestock sector. This high exposure to antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance, which undermines the efficacy of antibiotics in human medicine.
Human health
High levels of consumption of red and processed meat contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, and are made possible by industrial livestock production.
In the industrial livestock sector, most animals are kept in very small cages or overcrowded spaces for their entire lives. They are exposed to high levels of stress and can not execute their most basic natural behaviors. Many will stand on slatted floors their whole lives, suffer painful mutilations, face excruciating boredom, and never see the sun.