Two of the greatest crises that humanity faces — climate breakdown and new pandemics — are linked by one industry: industrial animal agriculture is responsible for large-scale deforestation, 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the degradation of natural environments, and animal cruelty. It also creates conditions which make new viruses like COVID-19 more likely to emerge.
Meanwhile, major development banks that should be helping humanity create a safer, more sustainable world (such as the World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) are still lending billions to the worst forms of animal agriculture. And they are ignoring our message to stop.
Development banks are funded through our taxes, in the form of contributions from governments worldwide.
Will you join us in calling for them to immediately stop financing industrial animal agriculture?

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WHY #StopFinancingFactoryFarming?

New pandemics
In industrial livestock operations, animals are kept in overcrowded and stressful conditions.
A recent UNEP report recognizes that these operations are major drivers of zoonotic disease emergence.
Deforestation and biodiversity loss
The largest driver of deforestation in South America, where natural ecosystems are being destroyed or transformed into large crop fields to feed farmed animals, is the livestock sector. Food systems, especially large-scale meat and feed production, are also major drivers of biodiversity loss and underlie the increased fragility of numerous ecosystems worldwide.
Climate crisis
The livestock sector is responsible for 14.5% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions globally.
Experts project that livectock sector will account for almost half of the world’s allowable budget for greenhouse gas emissions, for a 1,5°C temperature increase scenario, by 2030 and 80% by 2050.
Social equity and farming livelihood
Indigenous and traditional communities suffer from competition with the livestock sector over land. They are often pushed aside which can result in serious land conflicts.
Small-scale farmers also face fierce competition that can produce at cheaper prices because it does not pay for the social and environmental impact costs.
Food security
The production of meat, fish from aquaculture, eggs, and dairy, requires around 83% of the world’s farmland.
If the grain used as animal feed was instead used for direct human consumption an extra four billion people could be fed.
Antibiotic resistance
The industrial livestock sector routinely uses large amounts of antibiotics, up to 80% of the total consumption of medically important antibiotics, to promote growth and prevent diseases.
This high exposure to antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance, which undermines the efficacy of antibiotics in human medicine.
Human health
High levels of consumption of red and processed meat contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, and are made possible by industrial livestock production.
In industrial livestock sector, animals are kept in small cages or overcrowded spaces for their entire lives. They are exposed to high levels of stress and can not execute their most basic natural behaviors.
These animals will suffer painful mutilations, face excruciating boredom, and never see the sun.
The Stop Financing Factory Farming Campaign is a coalition of development, environmental and animal protection groups that works in partnership with locally affected communities and organizations to shift development finance away from industrial livestock production. Campaign steering committee members include the Bank Information Center, Friends of the Earth US, The Global Forest Coalition, Sinergia Animal, and World Animal Protection.