In March of 2019, Sinergia Animal organized actions in 4 different countries: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Thailand, as part of a world coalition called World Day for the End of Fishing. Similar actions were carried out in over 90 cities worldwide and the campaign was supported by over 150 different organizations.
Want to know why so many people are quitting eating fish and joining this movement?
See the data as follows:

Recent research has shown for the first time that fish have emotional states and feel pain. They have individual personalities, form friendships, and are social animals in a similar way to humans and other mammals.
From 1000 to 3000 billion of them are murdered every year! Fish represent 95% of the animal victims consumed for meat. We are witnessing an impressive massacre, doing nothing about it! Aquatic animals may be different from us, but that doesn't make them any less valuable. They, like other animals, deserve our moral consideration.
Fish are friends, not food!
Overfishing is destroying our
According to the United Nations, the health of ocean ecosystems is increasingly at risk from overfishing, as well as illegal fishing. About two thirds (64%) of fishery resources are already classified as overfished and 23% of them as fully exploited.
Research from the University of Halifax also warns that unless immediate action is taken, there will be no more fish in the oceans by 2048.

Foto: Oceana
Whales, dolphins, turtles and sharks are being killeD
Fish are not the only victims of this massacre. Each year, more than 100,000 whales, dolphins, seals, turtles and other marine animals are trapped in nets and traps abandoned by the fishing industry.
About 100 million sharks are killed each year by the fishing industry, a number that is far above their populations' recovery.
it's Not only straws, fishing also means plastic pollution
Pollution from fishing is a big problem. Investigations carried out on the Pacific's large rubbish island, the largest accumulation of floating rubbish in the world, found that fishing nets are the main source of plastic pollution. They represent 46% of trash. And among the rest, much of the waste was also from the fishing industry.
Between 600 and 800 tons of abandoned fishing nets are estimated to enter the ocean each year, a material that can take up to 600 years to decompose.

What can we do to help?
The best way to help animals and the environment is to adopt a vegan diet. Seek a healthier and ethical life with a plant-based diet.