Shocking footage reveals the
reality of egg production in Thailand,
which can promote
the spread of pathogens.
“Photos and footage from standard egg farms in Thailand”
More than
people have said
NO to cages
We’ve been asking McDonald’s to announce a cage-free egg policy in Thailand for months, following the company’s policy for other countries. Unfortunately, the fast-food giant has been ignoring our request, neglecting both Thai consumers and animals.
Please join us and all of the people who have already signed the petition in asking McDonald’s Thailand to announce this commitment.
Up to 12 hens can be crammed together in one battery cage.
This controversial system, called conventional battery cages,
is already illegal in the European Union and in 8 states
in the US.
In this system, the cages are layered on top of each other, which creates
a pile of excrement on the floor.
Cages being dumped in Thailand
These cages are not only cruel, but they are also illegal in the European Union and in eight states in the US. We also found out during the field research that some farms inherited old battery cages from Europe.
Health risks
Our health is also at risk. The European Food Safety Authority has concluded that cage systems have a higher prevalence of Salmonella compared to the cage-free system. Salmonella is a deadly bacteria. It is one of the most prevalent causes of foodborne illness today, causing food poisoning, nausea, and vomiting, and each year and leading to 155,000 deaths globally each year.
Many companies are moving away from this cruel and unsafe practice. Subway and Burger King, two of the largest fast-food chains in the world, have already committed to stop using eggs from cage farms in Thailand by 2027. Tesco Lotus, one of the biggest retailers in Thailand, has committed to stop selling caged eggs in the country by 2028.
Do you know that the eggs used by major food companies come from horrible farms similar to these?
We need to ask companies to be transparent about the origin of the eggs they use. One way companies can be more transparent and help change this reality for the hens is to make a public commitment stating they will stop using eggs from battery cage farms.
Many food giants in Thailand still don’t have cage-free egg policies. This is the case of McDonald’s despite many public requests to be more responsible for people’s health and animals’ lives.
Ask McDonald’s to say NO to cages by clicking the button below and signing the petition!
*Footage and photos were obtained in a collaboration between Andrew Skowron,
Anima International, and Sinergia Animal.